
Should You Prefer Rental or For Sale CRM for Your Company?

Should You Prefer Rental or For Sale CRM for Your Company?

Business that want to institutionalize and manage their works more easily and systematically in their firms are faced with question of whether I should prefer for rent or sale. Our years of experience, we would like to share details of annual rent and license purchasing method so that to entrepreneurs and help the decision-making process.

We know that the most important thing for firms is data security. Most of firms prefer storing of data in the its own place. Therefore, we install the program to servers or hostings of firms so their data recording as securely in both annual rental and license purchasing methods.

Annual License Rental Model

CRM is a culture, a database, a work flow formation. Because of personnel, organizational chart and future perspective of their firms, it may not be suitable using the program for this firms.

In some companies, implementation process may not be completed in one month,  it can be take a longer time. Therefore, the firms may prefer to make an agreement as an annually instead of purchasing the program, thus they do not need to pay a huge money for program at once. Moreover we provide observing that firms is whether suitable or not for this software at the end of the year.

In the annual license rental model includes annual support service fee. This is the big advantage for firms, because they do not need to pay extra service fee. However we mention a disadvantage of this condition, new record button is passive for firms that if they do not pay annual license price. In order to go on using the program, the annual license price should be paid.

License Purchase Model

You can prefer firstly annual rental method, thus you can seeing functionality and suitability of CRM program for your firm. After that, if you want you can buy it. In the license purchase method, without to pay about license for each year, you can pay only one time fee and use the program. You need to reserve more budget than annual rental license.

Purchase price includes support service fee for the first year. After you can get support service, you should be paid annual support fee for the second and next years.

Some companies can prefer licence purchase method because they are certain of CRM programs are appropriate for their firms. In this case it is possible to use the program for years without any restrictions.

Both of annual rental and purchase methods, you will have an advantage of using the program from anywhere. You can use the program with mobile application and mobile design in both models. We are ready to provide solutions to your company with our program where we are thinking every detail in order to make your works easier.

CRM RedWhite

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